My Goal

Look at the two lovely young ladies in the middle of the picture. You can probably guess what they are talking about. But what if I told you that the success criterion of the project SeeTheDollars is to have them enjoy talking about finances, without for a moment thinking that the subject may spoil this beautiful summer day.

You may think that I am dreaming or that I am having a strong moment of wishful thinking, but you would be wrong. I am talking from my own experience. Working on SeeTheDollars and having to deal with flying dollars all day has removed in me the negative emotions usually associated with discussing money matters and unlocked my free thinking. As it happened to me, I want to happen to you.

I have pleasant memories of the square in the picture from when I was growing up. I took this picture in Athens some years ago. It shows Constitution square with the Parliament in the background. We lived about a third of a mile up the street and my mother took us there several times during the summer. We sat down at a pastry shop, ate a yummy pastry and then the three of us, my brother, my sister and I, played for hours on the square running around between all the people taking a stroll and enjoying the mild early evening summer breeze. How can I ever forget that?