
How to create a beautiful economy

I would like to see all people getting involved to create a beautiful economy.

Experts and ordinary people come together to create a beautiful economy. Everybody contributes something.
The experts contribute their experience and know-how and the ordinary people contribute their intuition and common sense.

How To Get All People Involved

Because people come from different financial literacy backgrounds,
this is what I propose to do to bring everybody on the same wavelength:

talk about the economy in terms of something that everybody understands,
and what everybody understands is the Flow of Money.

communicate the flow of money with a picture, no confusing economic terms,
and the picture is the SeeTheDollars Line.

The Flow of Money

Flow of Money means who gets the money and from whom.

Perhaps you haven't looked at the economy like this before, but if you pay close attention, you will realize that the allocations of money - money flows - are the raison d'être – reason for existence – of the economy.

The SeeTheDollars Line


The SeeTheDollars Line is a picture template to show the Flow of Money.
The end of the line - face - is where the name of who gets the money is entered,
the beginning of the line - face - is where the name of who gives the money is entered,
and the line itself represents the flow of money from face to face.

A SeeTheDollars Line visualizes only a single financial activity. But the story never ends with a single line. The money has to come in from somewhere at the face end and go out to somewhere from the face end. This is shown by attaching lines before and after the original one. You will be surprised how much you learn about the economy at a glance by just looking at a money flow composite picture.

Who Draws the Money Flow Pictures?

Anyone can sketch out on a piece of paper SeeTheDollars Lines of Money Flows, real or wishes. It could be fun.

to increase their readership.

A book I read summarized the financial fiasco of 2008 as “a massive transfer of wealth, with its centerpiece the greatest theft from the public purse in history.” Oh, how much I wished at that time that the author would have shown us who the face's were. I knew who one of the face's was, me. Who wouldn't buy the book to learn that?

That’s when the seed of the SeeTheDollars Line idea was planted.

Visionary political figures
to gain public support for their economic reform proposals.

With the money flow pictures, people understand the issues and spread the word without distortion by just texting the pictures.

On the importance of public support, Abraham Lincoln said: Public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment, nothing can fail; without it nothing can succeed.

Ordinary people
to demand political action.

Ordinary people can get passionate about economic issues and demand political action because they have the money flow pictures to help them understand the issues and articulate their demands.

When you can draw on a piece of paper how the economy works, you become master of your destiny.

We can create a beautiful economy
by figuring out and implementing the flows of money that benefit all.


It's that simple:
we can draw the beautiful economy we want to create.

The animated line - going beyond the static line




Money Pump

When the dollars don't move, click on this sentence to refresh the page.

When SeeTheDollars becomes an application, anyone will be able to create animated lines like this. In the meantime, a static picture, with perhaps a few explanatory notes, is plenty enough to get one's point across.

Changing the World

You may call me biased, because this is my baby, but I truly believe that SeeTheDollars
could become something really awesome and invaluable,
and change the world.

Change the world with a line?

Listen or read how it was all born here,
and if you want to become an activist for a beautiful economy, listen or read here.


Demetrios Voreades



SeeTheDollars: Making the Economy Easy to Understand and Fun to Discuss
© 2024 Demetrios Voreades. All rights reserved.