Join the Dance!

When I say join the dance of lobbyists, I mean it as a poetic expression to describe what I consider to be the ultimate in economic empowerment, which is becoming an economic lobbyist. An economic lobbyist is a metaphor for someone who uses SeeTheDollars diagrams to force political change.

To become an economic lobbyist is a process and the Flying Dollars help you get there. I explain.

In the audio for the page MY GOAL I say:

“Working on SeeTheDollars and having to deal with Flying Dollars all day has removed in me the negative emotions usually associated with discussing money matters and unlocked my free thinking. As it happened to me, I want to happen to you.”

This is the first step: when you feel the effect of the Flying Dollars on you. The Flying Dollars accomplish two things: (1) they remove the conventional requirement that the only way to talk about the economy is to use words and (2) they introduce pictures, which say the same thing, but in a way that everybody can understand. When you don’t have the appropriate words, you are limited from saying what’s on your mind about the economy, and, in my opinion, that’s reason enough to have negative emotions.

For example, I used to read some good economic articles and I would get the gist of them, which was very interesting, even though I didn’t completely understand the economic terms. However, I was getting frustrated when I could not find the words to explain some of those articles to friends. It was this frustration that led me to think of the possibility of using some kind of pictures to describe the articles. I was actually wishing that the authors had attached a picture to their articles, which I could take and show to my friends. Everybody understands pictures. I didn’t know anything about Flying Dollars then.

When you talk about the economy using Flying Dollars, and without the burden of words, the whole situation changes. You can tell yourself, with conviction: “Hey, now I have a way to tell what I always wanted to say.”

Translating the words into pictures brings the discussion to your level and doing so you get the courage to question what you hear or read.

For example, according to Modern Monetary Theory, when the Government needs money for new programs, the Feds prints the money to finance them. Translate that to dollars flying from the Government printing presses to the bank accounts of the organizations and individuals, who benefit from the new programs and who most likely don’t include you. The increase in money supply may cause inflation and to slow that down the Feds raises interest rates causing your mortgage payment to double. Translate that to even more dollars, double, to be exact, flying from your bank account to the lender’s bank account. And the money pump is, of course, the Government.

When you translate Modern Monetary Theory to Flying Dollars it somehow loses its gospel status and becomes open to criticism, even by an ordinary person. At this point, with a steady voice, a clear mind and sure of yourself, you may ask: “Something doesn’t make sense here. What did I do to deserve that?”

The Flying Dollars may look like funny cartoons, but they are dead serious.

As you start thinking that way, you appreciate the value of the dollar paths and may agree with me when I say at the bottom of the MY STORY page: “Look for the dollar paths - it's a treasure hunt!”

It looks like you are becoming a new you!

Sooner or later, it may daunt on you that you can draw a dollar path yourself to express your gut feeling about the behavior of the economy. This diagram is what I call a wish on the Economic Dialogue Types page.

And after that you may sit down with family and friends, or a group of people, and flush out together some ideas about dollar paths. This is what the page Family & Friends shows.

Finally, it may occur to you and your friends that you can take action, that is, use the SeeTheDollars application to create a wish money flow diagram and take it to a campaigning political candidate and say: “you get my vote if you find a way to implement this.” Of course, in SeeTheDollars parlance, the expression “a way to implement this” is called a money pump. When the candidate promises to implement a money pump, you have an agreement documented on a SeeTheDollars diagram that can be used to compare promises to reality. This is what the lower half of this page shows visually.

Now you have arrived: you have become an economic lobbyist.

SeeTheDollars was created to help you get to that point.

Join the dance!